Our Consultants

Jeff Lockyer
Vision and Strategy
Jeff is the Lead Pastor of Southridge Community Church, the Chair of the Global Leadership Network Canada and the author of Finding Our Way. His quarter-century of senior church leadership experiences covers a vast array of aspects of local church life. In particular, Jeff’s specialty is helping leaders operationalize innovation, particularly around the Way of Jesus in areas of compassion & justice.

Ellen Duffield
Affiliate, Female Leadership Empowerment & Gender Diversity
Ellen is Director of the Leadership Centre at Briercrest Seminary. Formerly the Director of the Leadership Studio at Muskoka Woods, she pioneered research on women’s confidence and the impact of the church. Author of The BRAVE Way, Ellen brings a wealth of experience guiding leaders and organizations to create both the strategies and the underlying cultures for female leaders to flourish, and for men and women to thrive equally and fully together.

Jim Brown
Partner, Governance & Leadership Structure
Jim is the President of Strive!, a governance consulting firm that serves boards and executive teams around the world. Formerly a board member for the Global Leadership Network Canada, he also serves as an Elder at his local church, Koinonia Christian Fellowship in the Kitchener-Waterloo area of Ontario. Author of The Imperfect Board Member, Jim consults with local churches and ministries on governance and leadership structure.

Drew Unruh
Media & Technology
Drew is a Co-Founder of Ecclevox, a multi-media consulting firm for local churches and Christian ministries. His for-profit company, Made By Frame, specialized in photography and website development. With a long history of local church leadership and involvement, Drew is passionate to support leaders of trailblazing churches to communicate the nuanced message of Jesus in clear and compelling ways.

Tom Loewen, Worship Well
Partner, Creative Arts & Worship Service Programming
Tom is the Founder of Worship Well, a creative service design consulting company. His goal is to provide large church resources to communities with small church budgets, to take their weekend service beyond set lists and sermons. A Worship Pastor and Creative Arts Director for over two decades, Tom brings a wide range of experience, from back-room service design to in-the-moment delivery, to artistic staff management.

Carrie Jones
The Enneagram
Carrie is a Leadership Team-level pastor, who formerly served on her church’s Board of Elders for nine years. She is deeply involved in the female empowerment initiatives of Southridge and has worked for a team-building company in the corporate world as well. Carrie has become a certified Enneagram trainer and guides people and teams on journeys of self-discovery and greater reciprocal understanding in order to become truer versions of who God created them to be.